Sioupi, Athina (2011): Aspekt-Unterschiede
kontrastiv. In: Linguistik im Schloss V. Linguistischer Workshop auf
Schloss Wartin 17-19.06. 2011. Zeit. N. Fries (Hrsg.). Online 2011.
Sioupi, Athina (2009):
Adverbial Modification Test: In X time. (O Epirimatikos Prosdiorismos
Diarkias Se X ora). In: Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the
29th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics of the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki. M. Stavrou-Sifaki, D. Papadopoulou & M.
Theodoropoulou (eds.) INS: Thessaloniki. 221-235.pdf
Sioupi, Athina (2007a):
Lexikalischer Aspekt vs. Progressiv: Ihre Reprasentationen in den
deutschen Grammatiken. In: Linguistik im Schloss III. Linguistischer
Workshop. Wartin 2007.
Sioupi, Athina (2007b): (A)telizitat
und Progressivitat im Deutschen. In: Deutsche Grammatik im europaischen
Dialog. Chr. Fries & N. Fries (Hrsg.). Krakau/Berlin 2007.
Tzevelekou, Maria, Vicky
Kantzou, Spyridoula Stamouli, Vicky Chiondroyanni, Spyridoula Varlokosta,
Maria Iakovou, Vally Lytra, Athina Sioupi, Arhonto Terzi: (2007): A
Study on the Proficiency in the Greek Language at the Minority Schools
of Thrace. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the
Greek Applied Linguistics Association. A. Kavadia, M. Joannopoulou & A.
Tsangalidis (eds.). University Studio Press: Thessaloniki. 343-357.
Sioupi, Athina (2006):
Aspektmarkierung typologisch. In: N. Fries (Hrsg.). Linguistik im
Schloss II. Linguistischer Workshop. Wartin 2006. Czernowitz 2006.
Sioupi, Athina , Stavroula
Stavrakaki & Artemis Alexiadou (2004a): Transivite and intransitive
verbs in the lexicon of school-age L2 learners of Greek: findings from
an experimental study and their teaching implications. (Zevgi
metavatikon-ametavaton rimaton sto leksilogio allodapon mathiton
sxolikis ilikias: piramatiki meleti kai didaktikes sinepies).
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference “Intercultural
education-Greek as a second language”, Vol. III.
Sioupi, Athina & Jutta Wolfrum
(2004b): Welche Rolle spielen Neuen Medien fur griechische
GermanistikstudentInnen? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung.
Sprache und die Modernen Medien. Akten des 37. Linguistischen
Kolloquiums in Jena 2002. R. Herwig (Hrsg.). Peter Lang. 551-562.
Sioupi, Athina (2003): The role
of the (bare) singular count noun in (non)-delimitedness and (a)telicity.
(O rolos tou (anarthrou) arithmisimou ousiastikou horis arthro sti (mi)-oriothetisi
kai (a)telikotika). In: Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the
23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics Faculty of
Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2002. M. Stavrou-Sifaki
& A. Fliatouras (eds.). Kyriakidis: Thessaloniki. Vol. ÉÉ. 724-732.
Sioupi, Athina (2002a): Bare
noun phrases in object position in Greek and their equivalence in
German: an approach at the syntax-semantics Interface. (I Anarthres
Onomatikes Frasis se thesi antikimenou sta ellinika kai I isodynames
tous sta Germanika: mia syntaktiko-simasiologiki proseggisi). In:
Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of
the Department of Linguistics Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki. A. Anastasiadi-Simeonidi & M.
Koutita-Kaimaki (eds.). Kyriakidis: Thessaloniki. 573-582
Sioupi, Athina (2002b): On the
semantic nature of bare NP’s in Greek. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Sorbonne. L’ Harmattan:
Paris. Vol. ÉÉ. 231-234.
pdf .
Sioupi, Athina (2001a): The
distribution of object bare singulars. In: Proceedings of the 4th
International Linguistic Congress on Greek Language of the Department of
Linguistics of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nicosia 1999. G. Aggouraki et.al. (eds.). University Studio Press: Thessaloniki. 292-299.
Sioupi, Athina (2001b):
Acquiring the unaccusative distinction in a second language: evidence
from Greek-speaking learners of L2 German (Ta anaitiatika rimata stin
ekmathisi tis 2is glossas: Martyria apo Ellines enilikes pou mathenoun
germanika). In: Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 21st
Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics Faculty of Philosophy,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Ag. Charalampopoulos & M. Karali
(eds.). Kyriakidis: Thessaloniki. 688-699.
Sioupi, Athina (2000):
Reflexive Verben: Eine kontrastive Analyse im Griechischen und im
Deutschen. Én: Thessaloniker Interkulturelle Analysen. Akten des 33.
Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Thessaloniki 1998. K. Dorfmuller-Karpusa &
E. Vretta-Panidou (Hrsg.) Peter Lang. 295-304.
Sioupi, Athina (1999a): Ôhe
genericity of middles. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International
Linguistic Conference on Greek Language of the Department of Linguistics
of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens. A. Mozer (ed.).
Ellinika Grammata: Athens. 240-248.
Sioupi, Athina (1999b): The
Typology of middle constructions, ergative verbs and passive voice: how
similar are they after all?. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Syposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Department of
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. School of English Language and
Literature. Faculty of Philosophy. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
S. Lambropoulou (ed.). University Studio Press: Thessaloniki. Vol. 1.
Sioupi, Athina (1999c): The
predicates of Middle Construction: ergative or unergative? (Ta
katigorimata ton Domon Mesis Diathesis: ergative or unergative?). In:
Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of
the Department of Linguistics Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki. S. Tsochatzidis et. al. (eds.). Kyriakidis:
Thessaloniki. 447-461.
Sioupi, Athina (1997a): The
case of middle constructions in Modern Greek and their equivalents in
German. In: Greek Linguistics '95. Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Greek Linguistics 22-25.09.1995. G. Drachman, A.
Malikouti-Drachman, J. Fykias, C. Klidi (eds.). Neugebauer: Graz. Vol.
II. 599-609.
Sioupi, Athina (1997b): The
derivation of middle constructions (I paragogi ton domon mesis
diathesis). In: Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 17th
Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics Faculty of Philosophy,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1997. J. Veloudis & M. Karali
(eds.). Kyriakidis: Thessaloniki. 216-228.
Sioupi, Athina (1996a): Middle
constructions in Modern Greek and in German (Domes Mesis Diathesis sta
Nea Ellinika kai sta Germanika). In: Studies in Greek Linguistics.
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics
Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. J. Veloudis
& Ch. Tzitzilis (eds.). Kyriakidis: Thessaloniki. 172-181.